Orthodox Easter Calendar 2024

Orthodox Easter Calendar 2024

Russian Orthodox Fasting Calendar 2022 January Calendar 2022
Russian Orthodox Fasting Calendar 2022 January Calendar 2022 from januaryedwardcalendar.blogspot.com

As an Orthodox Christian, Easter is one of the most important holidays in my faith. It is a time of joy, celebration, and reflection. In 2024, Orthodox Easter will fall on April 28th, and I am already looking forward to the festivities and traditions that come with it.

What is the Orthodox Easter Calendar?

The Orthodox Easter Calendar is based on the Julian calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE. It differs from the Gregorian calendar that is used by most of the world today. As a result, Orthodox Easter falls on a different date than Easter in the Western Christian world.

Why does Orthodox Easter fall on a different date?

The reason for the difference in dates between Orthodox Easter and Western Easter has to do with the way that the two calendars calculate the date of the equinox. In the Julian calendar, the equinox falls 13 days later than it does in the Gregorian calendar. This means that Orthodox Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs on or after April 3rd.

What are some of the events and festivals in the Orthodox Easter Calendar?

The Orthodox Easter Calendar is filled with events and festivals that are steeped in tradition and meaning. Here are some of the most important:

  • Great Lent
  • Palm Sunday
  • Holy Week
  • Good Friday
  • Holy Saturday
  • Pascha
  • Bright Week
  • Ascension
  • Pentecost

What is Great Lent?

Great Lent is a period of fasting and repentance that lasts for 40 days leading up to Easter. During this time, Orthodox Christians abstain from meat, dairy, and other animal products, as well as from other pleasures and distractions. It is a time for reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth.

What happens on Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Orthodox Christians carry palm branches in a procession, singing hymns and shouting “Hosanna!”

What happens during Holy Week?

Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter. It is a time of intense prayer and reflection, as Orthodox Christians remember the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Holy Week culminates in the celebration of Pascha.

What is Pascha?

Pascha is the Orthodox celebration of Easter. It is the most important feast in the Orthodox Christian calendar. The Paschal service begins on Saturday night and lasts until the early hours of Sunday morning. It is a time of great joy, as Orthodox Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.

What is Bright Week?

Bright Week is the week following Pascha. It is a time of celebration and feasting, as Orthodox Christians continue to rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus.

What is Ascension?

Ascension is a feast that occurs 40 days after Pascha. It commemorates Jesus’ ascension into heaven.

What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is a feast that occurs 50 days after Pascha. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles.


When is Orthodox Easter in 2024?

Orthodox Easter will be on April 28th, 2024.

Why does Orthodox Easter fall on a different date?

Orthodox Easter falls on a different date than Western Easter because it is based on the Julian calendar, which calculates the date of the equinox differently than the Gregorian calendar.

What is Great Lent?

Great Lent is a period of fasting and repentance that lasts for 40 days leading up to Easter.

What is Pascha?

Pascha is the Orthodox celebration of Easter.

What is Ascension?

Ascension is a feast that occurs 40 days after Pascha. It commemorates Jesus’ ascension into heaven.

What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is a feast that occurs 50 days after Pascha. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles.

In conclusion, the Orthodox Easter Calendar is a rich and meaningful tradition that is filled with events and festivals that bring us closer to our faith and to one another. I am looking forward to celebrating Pascha in 2024 and to all of the joys and blessings that it will bring.